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Wednesday 6 January 2010

Happy New Year from tehTrunk

Hello all!

Just a quick note to say a few things.

Firstly, as you can see, I have weaselled (as well as an elephant can weasel) my way onto the newsnow news feed. This will make life much easier for me when sharing my latest ITK titbits (tehehehe I said tit).

2009 was a rather grand year for tehTrunk, given that it started life an animation experiment for a film maker/freelance video producer between jobs. The last chapter of 2009, 'Prem Aid - Do they know it's Christmas? (Don't Beat Portsmouth)' was more successful than I can ever have imagined and I owe you all a lot of thanks for this.

It's only due to the continued support and encouragement from all of you that tehTrunk carried on past three episodes...so basically, you have yourselves to blame for me still being about.

tehTrunk, along with any other sort of animation, is a lengthy process and given that it's a one man team over here it's a heavy work load. But I enjoy the process and the results that it brings, however for the time being at least, tehTrunk will be on a small hiatus. Fear not as this by no means I am finished with tehTrunk, just taking a few weeks off as I, you know, try and tackle the small things such earning some money, having a life, sorting out my terrible personal hygiene etcetera etcetera

There is oh so much more to come however so keep your eyes peeled in 2010.

Until then, I best suggest you keep yourselves amused by reading these blogs:

My good friend Gary has started up a thigh slappingly amusing blog by the name of 'Cocks to the West'. Still in it's infancy, help it to grow by showing it the same love that you would your own or someone else's baby (easy now).


Secondly, although I'm sure he needs no introduction, a chap by the name of 'Spooky' writes open letters to big(?) D.L. on the regular and it's important that you read them.


Isn't this all just one big love in?

I've littered this article with various press clippings from the year, it might seem self serving and egotistical but...well I suppose it is...

Have a good 2010 all!